
We pride ourselves in Cwmtawe on delivering an outstanding level of education and working in partnership with pupils, parents/carers and the local community. However, when things go wrong, we need to know about it so we can put them right. 

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your child's education, please let us know.

Firstly, contact your child's Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year. If you are unhappy with their response, or the issue persists then please speak to an Assistant Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. If, after speaking to an Assistant Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher the issue remains, then please call the school to arrange an appointment to speak to the Headteacher. 

Our full Complaints Procedure is available on the policies page. 


Yng Nghwmtawe ymfalchiwn yn safon rhagorol yr addysg a gynigir, gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â disgyblion, rhieni/gofalwyr a’r gymuned leol. Fodd bynnag, pan fydd rhywbeth yn mynd o’i le, mae angen i ni wybod am y mater er mwyn ei ddatrys.

Os ydych yn anhapus gydag unrhyw agwedd o addysg eich plentyn rhowch wybod i ni.

Yn gyntaf, cysylltwch â phennaeth blwyddyn neu ddirprwy bennaeth blwyddyn eich plentyn. Os ydych yn anhapus gyda’u hymateb neu bod y mater yn parhau, rhaid i chi siarad gydag un o’n prifathrawon cynorthwyol neu ddirprwy brifathrawon. Ar ôl i chi siarad â’r uwch athro neu’r dirprwy brifathro a’ch bod yn dal yn anhapus, yna cysylltwch â’r ysgol i drefnu apwyntiau i siarad â’r prifathro.

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