Live Lessons
If the school is required to close at any time, your child is likely to receive several live lessons throughout the week to supplement the resources and materials provided for learning. It is essential that parents/carers and pupils understand our expectations when engaging in live lessons, so that everyone benefits from the experience.
We would appreciate if you could go through the guidance below with your child.
Prior to a Live Lesson
- Your child will be added to a Microsoft Teams classroom by their teacher.
- This class will appear as a tile on their Microsoft Teams home screen.
- When a live lesson is scheduled, your child will receive an invitation through Microsoft Teams and it will appear in their calendar.
Underlying Principles for Live Lessons
- To ensure that pupils receive the best possible learning experience as part of a blended learning approach.
- To ensure all staff and pupils are kept safe.
- To keep teaching and learning at the centre of all decisions. Not all lessons need to be live and best practice in teaching and learning should inform this.
- To keep pupils, parents/carers and teachers regularly informed about progress, attendance and attitudes to online learning.
- To ensure pupils’ online learning enhances their learning experiences maintaining development of skills and knowledge at the centre of all decision making.
- To ensure online learning gives all pupils the opportunity to achieve their potential.
- To ensure effective use of all available resources to raise levels of pupils’ achievement.
- To provide useful accessible information about pupil progress for parents/carers, pupils, Governing Body, local authority and Welsh Government.
- To provide a positive impact on pupil engagement and well-being.
Our teachers agree to:
- Deliver live-streaming sessions through Microsoft Teams via Hwb.
- Use the lobby feature, take a register and dress appropriately.
- Stream all live lessons from a device provided by school. In the event of a lesson streamed from outside the school, Welsh Government protocols must be adhered to.
- Use a standardised school graphic or blurred background.
- Start live lessons at least 2 minutes ahead of scheduled time to allow a prompt start to the lesson.
- Notify pupils beforehand of scheduled lessons as well as any resources required during that lesson (pen, pencil, calculator, documents, presentations, videos etc).
- Discuss roles and responsibilities and provide a short tutorial on the system on the outset of all lessons.
- Notify your head of department, pupils and parents of any cancelled lessons or changes in arrangements (via Microsoft Teams posts).
- Keep up to date with all relevant policies and procedures, including online safety, safeguarding and data protection policies.
- Prevent a one-to-one situation in any lesson by ending the lesson for all participants from Microsoft Teams.
- Not initiate any live streaming or contact outside of the scheduled lessons as timetabled.
- Notify all attendees if the lesson is being recorded and ensure that recordings of the lesson are not made public.
Our pupils and parents/carers agree to:
- Prepare for the lesson beforehand.
- Access the relevant files for each lesson in advance and have all required materials to hand.
- Ensure their device is powered from the mains and have a stable internet connection.
- Choose an appropriate quiet workspace (ideally a separate room) where other family members will not be walking around and disturbing you.
- Minimise distractions. Turn off music, tv, mobile phone, games console in the background.
- Attend lessons on time.
- Not impact on the experience of the lesson for other pupils, showing respect for everyone in the online classroom.
- Ensure they are dressed appropriately (like a non-uniform day in school) and treat the lesson as they would in school.
- Contribute to the class in a positive manner and not be disruptive at any time.
- Behave to the same high standards as they would in the classroom. Poor behaviour could lead to you being asked to leave the lesson.
- Not make any recordings/images of the class or the teacher or any part of the lesson using your computer or any other device.
- Not initiate any live streaming or contact outside of the scheduled lessons as timetabled.
- Only support their children with the technology, but should not ask questions or speak for their child during the lesson.
Please also see our Risk Assessment for Online Learning.
If you have any questions regarding live lessons, please contact us.
Live Lessons