We have a small but active PTA who support the school by leading fundraising and organising various events. Without their support the variety of extra-curricular opportunities afforded to pupils would be limited.

Over the past five years, the PTA have supported us in the purchase of three new minibuses, new fitness equipment, a laser cutter in our technology department, a long jump pit, a climbing wall and iPads for use in the classroom.

The PTA hold termly meetings to discuss and share ideas. If you would like to join the PTA in supporting the school please contact Mrs. G. Morgan, Assistant Headteacher on 01792 863200.


Abbie Truscott


Amy Evans


Victoria Ellis


Caroline Batsford

Link Senior Leader

Mrs. G. Morgan (Assistant Headteacher)

Cymdeithas Rhieni

Mae gennym gymdeithas rieni bach ond gweithgar sy’n cefnogi’r ysgol trwy drefnu gwahanol weithgareddau i godi arian. Heb gefnogaeth y gymdeithas buasai’r nifer o weithgareddau allgyrsiol a gynigir i ddisgyblion yn llawer mwy cyfyngedig.

Dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf, mae’r gymdeithas rieni wedi’n cefnogi i brynu tri bws mini newydd, offer ffitrwydd newydd, torrwr laser i’n hadran dechnoleg, pydew naid uchel, wal ddringo ac iPads i’w denfyddio yn y dosbarth.

Mae’r gymdeithas rieni yn cynnal cyfarfodydd tymhorol i drafod syniadau. Os hoffech ymuno â’r gymdeithas rieni a chefnogi’r ysgol cysylltwch â Mrs. G. Morgan, Prifathrawes Cynorthwyol ar 01792 863200.


Abbie Truscott


Amy Evans


Victoria Ellis


Emma Elliot

Cyswllt Uwch-dîm

Mrs. G. Morgan (Prifathrawes Cynorthwyol)



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