How to Support Your Child

Every parent wants their child to do well at school. However, it is sometimes difficult to know what to do to help. We are committed to helping parents/carers understand how to help their child to maximise the chances of achieving their potential.

Most of the points listed below may seem obvious but provide a useful overview of how parents can further support their child.


Above all, please don’t hesitate to contact the school with any queries or concerns you may have.

Sut i gefnogi eich plentyn

Mae pob rhiant yn awyddus i’w plentyn lwyddo yn yr ysgol. Fodd bynnag, weithiau gall fod yn anodd gwybod sut i helpu. Mae gennym ymlyniad i helpu rhieni/gofalwyr i ddeall sut i helpu eu plentyn i wireddu ei botensial.

Mae nifer o’r pwyntiau isod yn ymddangos fel synnwyr cyffredin ond rhoddant fydolwg o sut all rhieni gefnogi eu plant ymhellach.


Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau neu bryderon mae’n bwysig nad ydych yn oedi cyn cysylltu â’r ysgol.

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